Free shipping from 65kg - Tits and woodpeckers are particularly fond of our organic raw peanuts. The simplest way is to fill a peanut cage or feeder and hang it by your bird table or in a nearby tree. The fatty nuts are a great substitute for, for instance, suet balls or suet. Additionally, they are almost entirely mess-free, meaning no shells, making them perfect even in urban areas.
We purchase food-grade peanuts that are tested for aflatoxins - they are super tasty to roast - click "Show" to read more about how to do it!
The peanuts are blanched, meaning even the brown thin skin is removed. Some find that birds prefer them this way, but above all, we think they taste better as roasted snacks!
Did you know that it is one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world? So for those of us who care about nature and birds - not only in our own gardens but also where the product is cultivated, it is of utmost importance to buy certified organic products - both for ourselves and for pets and birds!
Would you like to know what type of feeding suits where you live?
The tits' favorite – that lasts a long time!
Peanuts are loved by tits, woodpeckers, and nuthatches!
Long-lasting and great food for tits!
Larger, more robust, and with a removable bottom
Drier Peanuts Safe for Woodpeckers and Squirrels
Protection from Rain & Snow
Let the storks be so abundant in Skåne that some will choose the Östgötaslätten!
Buy a slice of our planned wetland – the stork will feel welcome!
Support our work to restore good environments for birds and bird food (insects!)